“All things are working together for good.”

“All things are working together for good” is a reminder from St. Paul to the Christian community in Rome. His words remind me that there is nothing disorderly about the seeming confusion and chaos in the world.

Celebrate the opportunity to give a hand up!

I am fortunate to have benefitted from the changes and to now have the opportunity to give a hand up to others. The journey continues towards a world in which all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, can take their place according to their ability and aspiration.

Being unique can become a bad thing

It is important to be aware of how our unique personality traits can become weaknesses, which can diminish the effectiveness of how we live our lives and how we serve God.  Finding the ways in which God wants us to use our personality traits appropriately is essential if we are to serve God according to His will.

Maundy Thursday Reflections

Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem started with the adoring, cheering crowds on Palm Sunday, who then decried him on Holy Thursday, witnessed His cruel death on the cross. But Holy Week ends with Jesus’ glorious resurrection on Easter Day, which is our hope that the will to love, when empowered by the grace and mercy of God, will always, always, always triumph over fear.


Storytelling can be hard.  It is uncomfortable to recount the acts of injustice, the cruelty of slavery and the complex issues of race relations.  It is important to tell the story of Black people as it is intertwined with the story of all of us here in North America.  And yes, telling the story of slavery is still relevant as we are living with the legacy of slavery.


Even if we are bearing the wounds in the aftermath of our good intentions and actions in 2021, we must be unwavering in our commitment to God’s plan for our lives. Say to yourself: “I will let nothing, or no one upset the calm peace of my soul,” and mean it.

Rendre la prévention de la démence une priorité nationale en matière des soins de la santé

Le sourire approbateur de mon père le jour où j’ai dû attacher ses lacets restera toujours un souvenir doux-amer. Je ne peux pas oublier la première fois que j’ai attaché mes lacets tout seule – j’aurais pu avoir trois ans et demi – et papa a souri d’un air approbateur, fier de mon accomplissement. MaisContinue reading “Rendre la prévention de la démence une priorité nationale en matière des soins de la santé”

When Anxiety, Airports and Angels Work Together for Good

Overcoming anxiety through prayer and faith. Acknowlege anxiety. Accept circumstances that can’t be changed. Acknowledge the Hand of God at work in unusual ways in unusual circumstances.