One Day at a Time in 2023

Although easier said than done, the adage “One day at a time.” is the antidote for anxiety. I’ve always said that the red hibiscus is my signature flower.  There is never a time in the year when the hibiscus doesn’t bloom.   The blooms last only one day.  I find their transient beauty very special.  MultipleContinue reading “One Day at a Time in 2023”

Holy Saturday Reflections

Holy Saturday gives us the opportunity to ponder what life will be like after our Lenten reflections. It’s the day after the commemoration of Jesus’ horrific death. As with any personal loss or tragedy, there is a time for grief and lamentation. The only way out is to hope for better things to come.

Why my mindfulness drives some people crazy

My decision to stick to the speed limit is more about being mindful and less about the fear of penalty of demerit points and fines. I refuse to drive above the allowable speed limit, even if irate drivers honk, swear and look at me sideways while they overtake me or bide their time tailgating me.