“All things are working together for good.”

“All things are working together for good” is a reminder from St. Paul to the Christian community in Rome. His words remind me that there is nothing disorderly about the seeming confusion and chaos in the world.

Artiste, Bénévole, Consultante, l’ABC de Camille Isaacs Morell

Évoquant de son parcours, elle parle de son ABC, trois lettres qui capturent les principales dimensions de sa vie, c’est-à-dire artiste, bénévole et consultante.

Prosperity & Social Justice Go Hand in Hand

And while I do believe that there is nothing wrong with personal success and prosperity, their pursuit is abhorrent and ungodly, if the quest for social justice is ignored as is too frequently the case by proponents of the prosperity gospel. 

Play BIG. Live Authentically.

There is no benefit to us or to the world if we play into the limitations of social stereotypes of who we should be. There is no benefit to us or to the world if we direct our energy reacting to our critics or trying to prove them wrong. To do so would be to play small and not live authentically, denying ourselves our birthright to let our talents to flourish. So let’s choose to play big.

Celebrate the opportunity to give a hand up!

I am fortunate to have benefitted from the changes and to now have the opportunity to give a hand up to others. The journey continues towards a world in which all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, can take their place according to their ability and aspiration.


Even if we are bearing the wounds in the aftermath of our good intentions and actions in 2021, we must be unwavering in our commitment to God’s plan for our lives. Say to yourself: “I will let nothing, or no one upset the calm peace of my soul,” and mean it.


It is through life’s events – whether times of crisis or calm –
that we somehow find new directions and rediscover the purpose of our life’s journey.
It takes courage to confront the fears that prevent us from living purposefully and authentically.
Choose courage over fear. It’s well worth it.