Artiste, Bénévole, Consultante, l’ABC de Camille Isaacs Morell

Évoquant de son parcours, elle parle de son ABC, trois lettres qui capturent les principales dimensions de sa vie, c’est-à-dire artiste, bénévole et consultante.

Keep the faith and act in faith

Photo of Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby the Archbishop of West Africa, Cyril Kobina Ben-Smith and Archbishop Howard Gregory toured the Castle from which Africans were shipped to the Caribbean and the Americas.

One Day at a Time in 2023

Although easier said than done, the adage “One day at a time.” is the antidote for anxiety. I’ve always said that the red hibiscus is my signature flower.  There is never a time in the year when the hibiscus doesn’t bloom.   The blooms last only one day.  I find their transient beauty very special.  MultipleContinue reading “One Day at a Time in 2023”

When the student is ready, the teacher appears and disappears.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears. Whenever we understand what we have been taught, we become teachers. This is the essence of discipleship and the great commission, two inextricably linked responsibilities that Jesus fulfilled and calls us to fulfill.


Even if we are bearing the wounds in the aftermath of our good intentions and actions in 2021, we must be unwavering in our commitment to God’s plan for our lives. Say to yourself: “I will let nothing, or no one upset the calm peace of my soul,” and mean it.