Can Personal Development & Religious Teaching on Women Prevent Crime?

Domestic violence perptuates the cycle of poverty and contributes to creating criminals. In the absence and lack of educational opportunities, some people have limited choices to advance themselves economically.  To survive, some women are forced to make compromises, and cannot live with integrity. 

Jesus Revolutionized The Role Of Women

In this post, I won’t be telling women to become feminists or to accept the beliefs and philosophies of the feminist and women’s liberation movements.  This is because, I have discovered from reading the Bible that our God has already declared and decreed equal status of women, long before any feminist movement came into being.  ItContinue reading “Jesus Revolutionized The Role Of Women”

Stop oppressing women in the Church

 The Bible exalts women. The Bible applauds and honours the role of women in the home and in the society.  The Bible is filled with examples of women whose influence and actions have served to fulfil God’s plan and purpose for His Church and the world.  Women play prominent roles in many key biblical narrativesContinue reading “Stop oppressing women in the Church”